This project is to get a bearing on the direction I want to head in designing a personal brand that really represents and identify who I am, its basically all about branding myself. What am to do is look on pinterest and find at least 15 personal logos and add them to a pin board called “Identity”. Then conduct a survey about what words or phrases people associate me with.
PIN | Pinterest Identity Board
That is my favorite logo so far because of how simple it is with the application of lost and found, with a great complimenting color scheme.
The other elements in my Pinterest Logo Inspiration Board are similar in minimalist designs and have great sharp and smooth shaping to them.
Survey Question:
So for my Advance Visual Media class I have to ask y’all “what words come to mind when you think of me, Kevin Porter?”.
Note: Some of these are just plan jokes and others are inside jokes. Therefore I later altered my post on Facebook with the following…
Love the comments so far.
The purpose of this is to help me brainstorm topics, words, or anything else that define me as a person. This is to designed to help me understand how others perceive me, which can be helpful when trying to brand myself.
Survey Results:
- Friend.
- Steve Carrel …
- Funny. Good friend. Smallville. Porthans
- Crazy
- “I just bought this place”
- My Ni*ga, Mexican, Glenwood, Litte, Tiffany, Greg Jankowski
- Funny man! Also booting comes to mind… and procrastination!!!
- Baptized Me.
- Magnificent Lover!- This one was a Joke from a friend back in high school. He knows I’m LDS so was just making fun.
- “Is this your cousin?”
- Greetings!
- Great Laugh!
- Funny, Clever
- Entrepreneur, Friend, Integrity, Devoted
What I Learned:
I learned that I have some great friends that like to still joke around with me and that overall I’m a funny friend.
My personal logo will be looked at by User Experience Designers. The companies that will be hopefully hiring me will be tech companies like Adobe or other companies that need UX designer like Qualtrics, located in Provo, UT.